Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Still NO coffee pot...

Its been almost 2 full weeks since we've been here. In some ways its flown by and in some its crawled....We've already made tons of friends and feel like we have known them forever. It also sometimes feels like I never cook dinner anymore because everyone always invites us over for dinner! And I wish I would have been taking pictures of all the awesome things we've been eating...like...moose burritos, moose ribs(my favorite), moose meatloaf(ok, maybe this one was my favorite), and lots of boxed mashed potatoes which come to find out aren't all that bad. In my previous post, I posted pics of our trips grocery shopping...and so far that's all I've enjoyed of those groceries...is the pictures. Our groceries STILL haven't arrived. Do they know we are still out here? We are anxiously awaiting that order because certain things are in there we really need like...pillows, shower curtains, lotion(its extremely dry climate here), milk, vegetables(I can't remember the last time I had a green veggie), and many other grocery items that will keep us going all semester.
Other than waiting on the groceries to get here we've been keeping ourselves occupies by working out, walking around town, and talking about who is going to kill the bigger moose(me).
 This is where Greg and I workout everyday after he gets off work at 3:30, this is the basketball gym. They are called the Alakanuk Braves.
 Mom and Tucker after a workout.
Getting creative because we don't have any weights yet.

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